My favorite leadership conference to attend is the Global Leadership Summit.  Each year, I post recaps of each day in order to help me reflect on what I learned and to add value to everyone that will read it. Yesterday, I posted my recap of day one.  Here is my recap of day two:

Global Leadership Summit

Global Leadership Summit

Session 1: Laszio Bock, CEO/Co-Founder at 

The #1 mistake organizations make is they fail to trust their people. -Laszio Bock Click To Tweet
  • Find the best people. Grow them as fast as you can. Keep them at the company.
  • Treat your people right and they’ll do great things for you!
  • We all need to be reminded why we do what we do! Meaning matters.
  •  The #1 mistake organizations make is they fail to trust their people.
  • Productivity, wages, and freedom go up when things are self-run. Cost goes down.
    Freedom, productivity, and wages go down in a controlled environment. Cost goes up.
  • If you’re a leader, give your people more freedom than you are comfortable with. If you’re not uncomfortable, you’re not doing it right.

Session 2: Juliet Funt, CEO WhiteSpace at Work

We are too busy to become less busy. Sad and ironic. -Juliet Funt Click To Tweet
  • We are too busy to become less busy. Sad and ironic.
  • Beware the lollipop of mediocrity, you lick it once and you suck forever!
  • You will fill space with unhelpful things if you don’t fill them intentionally with helpful things.

Session 3: Marcus Buckingham, World’s Leading Expert on Talent

The purpose of work is to discover that which you love. -Marcus Buckingham Click To Tweet
  • Leaders – What is your job? To build more teams like your best teams!
  • People are bad raters of other human beings.
  • Research: People can’t rate other people!
  • What must I do to get people in their strengths and where they know what is expected of them!
  • Every week, ask each member of your team this: What are your priorities and how can I help?
  • People don’t want feedback, they want attention. They want to be coached.
  •  If you can’t check-in with people every week, you have too many people!
  •  The purpose of work is to discover that which you love.
  •  God blessed us with such unique gifts and work is a place we can discover and use them to make an impact on the world.

Session #4: Sam Adeymani

One of the greatest gifts you can give someone is a new belief about themselves. -Sam Adeyemi Click To Tweet
  • Unleashing the potential of followers to be leaders is the challenge of leadership.
  •  God makes champions out of ordinary people! We can make champions out of ordinary people!
  •  The transformation that happens in people’s lives that you lead is the test of your leadership.
  •  The transformation that happens in people’s lives that you lead is the test of your leadership.
  •  One of the greatest gifts you can give someone is a new belief about themselves.
  •  Whatever people see and hear consistently over time will enter their hearts and put their lives on auto pilot.
  •  Your followers should find their vision and their new identities in your vision.
  •  Great leaders recognize the future leaders in their current followers.
  • Mentor Challenge: Rather than build your church on guest speakers, why don’t you become someone worth listening to?
  •  Is your training system capable of developing the people you see in your vision?
  •  To grow into who you need to be, you must die to who you are.
  •  Lead the people you train to their own death and resurrection experiences. Push them into new positions or tell them to leave and start their own organizations.
  •  Become leadership production factories that produce leaders who change the world. I pray that no one can hang with you for 1 year without being transformed.
  •  Be brave and fulfill the destiny God has for you.

Session #5: Immaculee Ilibagiza, Rwandan Genocide Survivor

Forgiveness is possible in every situation. -Immaculee Ilibagiza Click To Tweet
  • Forgiveness is possible in every situation.
  • The journey of your loved ones is over here, but not in Heaven, but your journey is not finished. You don’t know how long it will be. However long your life is, is your gift and it’s up to you how you choose to live it.
  •  Do something with your life that God will be proud of!
  • The greatest gift is knowing that I can hang onto God through anything.

 Session #6: Angela Duckworth, Founder & CEO of The Character Lab 

Talent is nothing if you don't apply yourself. -Angela Duckworth Click To Tweet
  • Everyone is ambitious. People like to be good at what they do and if they had a choice, they’d be excellent at what they do.
  •  Men do not differ much in intellect, only in zeal and hard work. -Darwin
  •  Talent is nothing if you don’t apply yourself.
  •  Life gets better when you develop grit!
  •  Somebody in your life needs to love you so much that they won’t let you quit on a bad day.

Session #7: Gary Haugen, Founder, and CEO of IJM 

No great dream has been built on fear of what might go wrong but on the hope of what might go right. Click To Tweet
  • All the leadership training in the world can be rendered useless because of fear.
  • All great leadership flows first from dreams.
  • Everyday insecurities lead us to abandon our dreams without putting up a fight.
  • You must relentless determine and inventory your worst fears. What am I really anxious about?
  •  Switch from playing defense to playing offense!
  •  God is building His Kingdom on the earth and Jesus said the gates of hell won’t be able to stop it. Hell is what is desperately playing defense in the world.
  • Courage, like fear, is contagious.
  • Leaders become driven by unexamined fears instead of their hopeful dreams
  • No great dream of love has been built on the fear of what might go wrong but on the hope of what might go right.

Did you attend the Summit? If so, what were your key takeaways? Comment below.

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