188: Dr. Les Parrott on Seeing the Divorce Rate Reduced by 1/3 in our lifetime

By March 29, 2018Podcast

In this episode of the L3 Leadership podcast, you will hear our interview with relationship expert, Les Parrott.

In the interview, you will hear Dr. Parrott share his advice and tools for singles and married couples, his advice on entrepreneurship and writing, and we take him through the lightning round!

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Dr. Les Parrott, psychologist and #1 New York Times best-selling author, is the creator of the game-changing Deep Love Assessment – a highly customized tool for couples at any age or stage. His books, coauthored with his wife Leslie, include Love Talk, The Good Fight, Your Time-Starved Marriage and the award-winning Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts. Les has been featured on Oprah, Today Show, CNN, Fox News, The View, and in USA Today and The New York Times. Les is a professor of psychology at Northwest University and he and Leslie are the co-founders of the Center for Healthy Relationships on the campus of Olivet Nazarene University. Les and Leslie live in Seattle with their two sons. Learn more at LesAndLeslie.com.




  • The power of delayed gratification
  • To be published today, build your platform
  • For every % the divorce rate goes down, the life of 1,000,000 children are positively impacted
  • Your relationships can only be as healthy as you are
  • When you become a healthier person, you draw healthier people to you
  • Know what you’re looking for
  • Make a list of deal makers and deal breakers in a relationship
  • Focus on relationship skills: communication and managing conflict
  • Every married couple needs a marriage mentor
  • When a couple can take an assessment to better understand themselves and each other it is a game changer
  • Know the people you need around you to scale, if you don’t, you’ll fail from the offset
  • Empathy is the single most important quality we have
  • Hone the skill of empathy
  • Questions to ask leaders: What’s your biggest challenge? What are you reading? What’s most energizing to you these days?
  • Relax!


  • Dr. Parrott, give us a brief overview of who you are and what you do?
  • What do you wish people knew about your journey that they may not know?
  • You are relationship gurus… in fact, the Governor of OK made you the statewide marriage ambassadors! Why are you so passionate about marriages?
  • What advice do you have for people looking for the one or that are in a relationship and seriously considering marriage?
  • Why do you believe married couples need to be mentored?
  • You recently created a resource called “Deep Love” for couples. Can you talk about that? What is it and how will it help couples?
  • What are one or two of the most important business lessons you’ve learned over the course of owning your own businesses?
  • You’ve written a ton of books! What have you learned about writing and the writing process?
  • What advice would you give aspiring authors?
  • What is a belief or a behavior that has changed your life?
  • If you could put a quote on a billboard for everyone to read, what would it say?
  • What’s the best purchase you’ve made in the last year for $100 or less?
  • What books have you read that have made a great impact on you that you would recommend?
  • What podcasts are you listening to?
  • What are your favorite questions to ask leaders?
  • What is your most worthwhile investment of time or money?
  • If you could go back and give your 20-year-old0-self advice, what would you tell him?

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